Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sarah Hambley Class of 99

So this weekend is my 10 year high school reunion. Yes that's right folks I will officially have to reintroduce my self to people who probably never spoke a word to me and now want to know where I am in life. Well here it is:

No I'm not married

No I'm not seeing anyone

Nope no kids

A job you ask...well that's an interesting situation

If you are not familiar with how high school was for me let me bring you full circle. I graduated from the wealthiest public high school in Charleston. Needless to say while I was revving up my 1986 bright blue Volvo in the parking lot I was getting passed by kids in brand new 4runners or BMW's. 98% of my graduating class went on to college and a majority of them went out of state to some of the best universities in the country. Those same kids who are now adults are probably physicians, physicists, or chemists making a killing while I am sitting here trying to find the meaning in life.

Some advice that I have been given is to make up some amazing job or say that I am "working on something great". "Great" you say....... "Great" would be if I was living in a million dollar townhouse with a closet full of True Religion, Fendi and Chanel. "Great" would be being engaged to a down to earth celebrity who just wanted me to stay home and throw a benefit here and there to help the less fortunate while working out with my trainer and shopping. "Great" would be driving around in my BMW or Range Rover (weather permitting of course). And finally "Great" would be having $50k in my rainy day fund in case the down to earth celebrity decided to move on to something better. I know its a little far fetched but that would be "Great".

Instead I will probably just list my occupation as a "Career Seeker". My marital status as "single" ( you never know who you could meet at these things) and children as "1 large and lovable 4 legged yellow Labrador who goes by the name Teddy when he wants".

I guess all those things are pretty "Great" as well......

1 comment:

  1. Those things ARE great! Don't dismiss the importance of having a loving animal, I'm pretty sure on most days, most married women would trade their husbands for a Lab as well. Also, don't dismiss the opportunities that you have - no children, no husband = you can do anything you want, anytime you want. Trust me, all of the girls there with 5 year olds will be way jealous of you - just remember to take your nicest handbag.
    It's too bad I'm not going, we could sit in the single, childless, unemployed table together!
